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Batwoman Make deal with Safiyah
Batwoman 2x16 - Jacob Gets Arrested / Ryan Saves Alice From Safiyah
Alice Stabs Safiyah FULL Scene | Batwoman | 2x17 Season 2 Episode 17 (HD)
Batwoman 2x17 Safiyah gaslighting Beth
Batwoman 2x17 Alice and Safiyah
Batwoman Season 2 "Meet Safiyah" Featurette (HD)
Batwoman 2x03 - Alice and Sofiyah Talk About Kate
Tatiana Tells How Alice Got To The Island Of Coryana - Batwoman 2x07
#Queendom of Coryana #LesbianSovereignty #DCWorldLeaders #LesbianLegacy #LeagueOfLesbians
Alice Helps Ocean Deal With The Killers - Batwoman 2x05
Batwoman 2x17 Promo "Kane, Kate" (HD) Season 2 Episode 17 Promo
Batwoman 2x18 Kate Back